Welcome to my Latest Creation…

Jack Lowe, Photography, Photographer, Travel

I bid you a warm welcome to this, my newest creation — my newest creation?  Yes, there are others…

You might like to visit them — Jack Lowe Studio documents some of the day-to-day work from my photographic printmaking studio and DigitalBasics shares tutorials on the basics of digital photography.

So, what’s different about this one and why Mr Jack Lowe?

Well, at heart, I consider myself to be a photographer.  With the distractions of life and in the plight to earn a crust, one’s roots can sometimes get left behind or even forgotten in this fast-paced life of ours.

I always said that I would return to my own photography at some point and, after twelve years of dedicating my life to the work of other photographers, I feel the time has come to embrace my own work once more.

To that end, this blog will be my forum and I hope you enjoy it.

Jack Lowe, 9 years old at York
A photographer for as long as I can remember…

What to Expect…

Mainly I will share my own work in progress with you, culminating in the periodic release of specially selected images — either as sumptuous Digital Archival Pigment prints or the finest Platinum/Palladium prints, which you will be able acquire and collect if you wish.

Also, expect to see posts on matters that interest me and that I think might be of interest to you too, usually with a photographic slant or connection but perhaps not!

Let me know if there’s anything you like, don’t like or would like to see more — I’m all ears on this new journey…

Mr Jack Lowe…?

Finally, why the formality of Mr Jack Lowe?

This is purely a consequence of the availability of domain names.  It’s happened quite a bit recently with Twitter, Instagram and now this WordPress blog.

With jacklowe already taken, I’ve been opting for mrjacklowe instead — I’ve grown to quite like it and so decided to run with it a little…

If you value this website and my work, please consider making a donation here — it makes a huge difference and helps with the upkeep of our community space.


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