The First Digital Negatives

You may have read in my first proper post, Remembering Ardnamurchan, a week or two ago that I plan to gradually release Platinum/Palladium Prints of my work over time.

Well, after so many years, it’s been wonderful working on my own photography once more.

I’ve now made the first set of Digital Negatives and handed them to my friend and colleague, Richard Freestone of 139 Printroom, to work his magic — I’ll keep you posted as to when they are ready…

What’s a Platinum/Palladium Print?

“What’s a Platinum/Palladium Print?” I hear you ask!

You’ll be pleased to know that I’ve made a new page that explains all — click here to learn more…

HP Digital Negative for Platinum/Palladium Printing
A Digital Negative, among the first of my photographs to be made into a Platinum/Palladium Print — 10 points if you can tell me the location (leave a comment)!

Remember, 10 points if you correctly guess the location of the above image — leave a comment!

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    1. Keep it to yourself for a mo, then — that’s why it’s only 10 points and not 100.

      By the way, ‘the lightbox in my studio’ is not the answer I’m looking for…!