Cornerstones 1996~2004

Finn, Photography by Jack Lowe
‘Finn’ by Jack Lowe, available in the Cornerstone Collection

As my about me page describes, I’ve been re-embracing my own photography recently (the whole raison d’être for this site, of course) and it’s amazing to see what can happen when one makes certain mental shifts.

Indeed, print No.1 of Bardsey Island sold within an hour of being released!

No sooner had I collated this Behance Project, which I entitled Cornerstones, then enquiries gently came my way asking about the availability of those images too.

So, I thought you might like to know that I’ve now created the Cornerstone Collection, right here on these pages.

It is comprised of photographs made between 1996 and 2004, all of which have been pivotal to me in some way during what I consider to be the first chapter of my photographic career.

If you are already familiar with my work, you’ll find some old favourites nestling in there…

Tree Space 4, Photography by Jack Lowe
‘Tree Space 4’ by Jack Lowe, available in the Cornerstone Collection

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