Sunday Touchline
A short tangent on a Sunday…
It may feel like a bit of a drag getting out of bed on a Sunday morning sometimes, especially knowing that I’ll be spending the first hour or two of the day standing on a cold touchline (albeit in support of one of my children).
However, as an added incentive, it’s worth me remembering that some of the football clubs are in pretty good locations.
I had a feeling that I should carry a camera with me today as we made the 40 mile journey north to Longhoughton — a small village in the wilds of Northumberland where the football ground nestles beside the East Coast Mainline…

For those who like to know, these were shot on my much-loved Lumix LX3.
I inadvertently had the crop ratio set to 16:9, something I’m not used to but actually rather like on seeing these — very filmic, don’t you think?
Oh, my son’s team lost 4-0 by the way…